Muncy Heritage Park and Nature Trail
By Bill Poulton
Muncy Historical Society
Every day the Muncy Heritage Park and Nature Trail is being used by young and old alike to experience nature. We see singles, couples, and family groups enjoying the loop trail around the pond, taking in the solitude of the towpath through the woods or standing along the Susquehanna River watching the bald eagles in flight. We have canoers, bikers, birders, and brides all using the park. The local high school takes science and history field trips to the park. The park has become the photo backdrop for countless couples and families.
The park has matured: the once-newly planted trees are now almost a decade old and the mule pavilion has a recent addition, a full-size bow and stern section of the canal boat which once was housed in the National Canal Museum. There are now over 27 interpretive signs through the park.
The community benefits every day from the Heritage Park. The vision the park’s planners had, first glimpsed in 1972, has come forward into the 21st century.