The Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund delivers real and lasting benefits to Pennsylvania. These benefits are enjoyed today, and will still be enjoyed decades in the future. Each year, the Keystone Fund helps Pennsylvanians protect the land necessary for:
- Bicycle, walking, and other recreational trails, including long multi-state trails like the Great Allegheny Passage, multi-county trails like the Pine Creek Rail Trail, and county/municipal trails
- New and expanded municipal/county parks and greenways
- Expanded hunting and fishing opportunities
- Wildlife and natural areas for public enjoyment
- Improving recreational experiences in state parks and forests
- Community green spaces, whether for aesthetics, recreation, historic battlefield preservation, flood prevention, community identify, or other conservation purposes.
Since 1993, the Keystone Fund* has helped:
- Protect 161,000+ acres of green space for county and municipal parks, greenways, wildlife habitat, and other open space uses
- Establish Pennsylvania as a national leader in trails. The Keystone Fund has helped communities acquire land and easements to develop thousands of miles of land and water trails
- Complete county natural heritage inventories in 66 of 67 counties to enable local governments, developers, and conservationists make better decisions regarding the use, development, and conservation of land
*Together with other funding streams that fall under the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Community Conservation Partnerships Program.